Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Spring Break...Part 3

After Massachussetts we headed to New York City!  We actually stayed in CT but spent the day in NYC.   On the way there we passed right by the Basketball Hall of Fame and of course had to stop.  We all really enjoyed it although I am sure Cam wished he could have walked around a little more leisurely :)  The building was 3 stories all surrounding a basketball court in the middle which was probably the girls favorite part.

Cam and Sonja as sportscasters.

Gwen wanted me to include this picture...an American flag made out of shoes

Waiting for the train to NY.  I realized it was a day which included many modes of transportation...we took a train, a double decker bus, the subway and even a rickshaw.  Not to mention all the walking we did!

There was every character that you could imagine in Times Square.  

Riding the bus and listening to the headphones.

Its so cool that the observatory on the Empire State Building is open air.  Its crazy when you think about it though, I wonder how often people throw things down and also, the openings are pretty big, like Naomi could fit through them.  Crazy.

Love the Chrysler Building.  And for Project Runway fans...do you remember the Chrysler Building dress that Jay made during the very first season?  That is still one of my favorites! (And yes, I'm a dork  for remembering that :)

Statue of Liberty and progress of the Freedom Tower

On our way down south, we made a stop in China Town.  Not sure why this is the only picture I took! We walked around and found a great park with few tourists, musicians playing and a playground for the girls.  I love walking off the beaten path a little and finding places like this.   I actually saw the same park on Law and Order SVU the next week! :)

And then just like in Boston, Sonja fell asleep on our way to Battery Park

Gwen was very excited to see the Statue of Liberty but we didn't have time to take the ferry out there.  She wanted to point to it for a picture :)

Relaxin and people watching

And all the way back in Central Park, we took a rickshaw ride to this place called Serendipity which was recommended by a coworker of Cams.  We had no idea that it was a favorite of celebrities and was in the movie by the same name.  I guess that would explain the scoop of ice cream for $8 and the $1000 "Golden Sundae."  

And we had to finish the day with a stop back at Times Square at night.  
What a great day we had!  New York City is one of those places that I hope we can keep revisiting with the girls periodically so it was great to have a successful first trip!

1 comment:

The Johnson Family said...

LOVE the pictures of your trip! And I especially liked part 3... NYC, so much fun! We also hope to get there too with our girls, some year sooner than later hopefully. Love you guys!