Saturday, August 20, 2011

Family Camp 2011

How can you not have fun spending a week at camp! Cam joined us on Wednesday night and of course the whole week was wonderful. It was a little bittersweet for us as it was the last week spent with the Stroms before they began their new life at Covenant Point.
And of course looking back, I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I would have liked!

The first half of the week was made a lot easier by this cutie and her love for holding Naomi :) Thanks Annie!

Sonja playing Braveheart!


Rescuing her teammates.

Shortly before coming to camp, in one of her sadder moments talking about Caleb leaving, Gwen requested that we at least take a picture of our families together. Of course we loved that idea! Words cannot describe what their friendship means to us. What a blessing to have known each other for almost 15 years, to have our kids grow up together and love each other so much, to live so close, to be a part of the same church community, to be there for each other and to just live life together. Its definitely been an adjustment not having them around (or maybe it still feels like they are just on vacation!) but good thing Iron River is only a 6 hour drive away!

Apparently Cam and Erik did not get the funny picture memo.

And I just had to include this one...the girls stood on the sidewalk in front of Erik and Courtney's house until they couldn't see the truck anymore. :(


Katie said...

I think of you often, as your family adjusts to life without the Stroms as a part of your day-to-day. What a treasured friendship. I got choked-up just reading your post. Blessings to you.

The Process said...

Great pics! Love the one of Sonja and Braveheart and for the record the last one made me tear up. : (

condapfour said...

Augh! This post made me cry! Such great pictures and memories!